The Play of Love![](Assets/angel right.fw.png)
God is merciful and kind to all. When He sees His devoted children that cry and weep to be in His presence He Himself takes the form of the body to come and live amongst His dear children. He plays the game of love with them…teases them by keeping them close for a moment and then afar the next. He teaches them to live with little, yet give to those that they can serve…Every moment He cleanses their heart by living the life of purity and simplicity Himself… He scolds them until they are strong in their hearts. He convinces them to uplift their weak minds. When His children weep before Him as they fall…He laughs for He knows that His love shall break the fall. He gives to them His name as their protection and whenever they call Him….He stands by them and places His angels right before their fears…He gives to them His Self…fully and completely. They too in this love divine forget who they are…how time passed…what difficulties came their way… what pain they bore…who came…who left…They just wake up to the smile of their Lord and they sleep to His name.
Then comes the time the Lord comes to them and His eyes say with silence, “The body that I have taken must return to nature. And even though I will always be with you the game of love that we played together must end for now…Tell Me O Child what do you want?”
The Child bows to the Love Supreme…The tears flows…the lips quiver…the hands fold and the body bends in reverence before the feet of the Lord… The Child says, “O Sweet Lord that dwells in my heart…my story I tell to you…even though You know all…You alone speak through the love that You placed within me. Hence I shall answer with the word that You have spoken from within only so that a child that is lost can find You once again….
O Sweet One that makes me breathe…to You I answer. Even though I shall see You in the body no more I shall live until my last moments with all the memories of the love that you filled me with. I shall take your teachings and bring them to life by living their truth myself…And in the moment You scolded me I shall take from them the love that You had sowed and foster that love into the tree of values. And in the sacred moments You played within me I shall recite their stories that the world shall hear and learn from them of Your love. Your love shall live in me O Lord and my heart shall say only Your name. You O Lord gave to me before I asked…before I knew what I really wanted…Then what can I ask now O Lord? All I know is that You are there…and that whatever comes to me the next moment is Your gift of will that shall keep me safe…
I shall speak to you O Lord from my heart to Your heart. I shall know O Lord that You are there for I shall feel the peace within as I speak to You. I shall know that You are there each time my heart will leap as I say Your name. I shall know You are there each time I remember Your love and my eyes shall tear. I shall know that You are there when I shall follow the truth and feel strong. I shall know that You are there when I shall tell Your stories of our love together and laugh aloud…I shall know that You are there when one thanks me for taking them to You and Your love…
I shall know that You are there for I shall feel Your embrace every time I think of You. Yes! O Lord that played the game of love with me, You left this body only when You knew fully that I was complete in you…
And I O Lord ask you to always keep me in this play in which I lived…loved and played the game of love with You.